Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Assassin and The Assassin-Nation (Keyword for the Day)

Original Article.

Some Trivia on Assassin:

The first thing that comes to my mind when I hear the word "Assassin" is no other than Ragnarok Online. I distinctly remember how a Triple Critical Jur would make my day three years ago, because I opted for an Agility Build thief for my assassin. If you're not a Ragnarok fan, perhaps Diablo 2 - Lord of Destruction (LOD) is more familiar, with all those countless nights you were asking for cracks, No CD installers, unique items, and cheats like a +1 to all skill levels charm which you duplicate endlessly from your friends' characters. Still haven't rung a bell? Well perhaps you are playing Assassin's Creed right now or Tactical Assassin. I haven't tried both of them yet but I'm sure a game guide won't be necessary being the computer game addict I was then.

If you're the bookish type or the historical fanatic, then you've probably read from Dan Brown's novel Angels and Demons that the word "assassin" evolved from hashish, a drug intoxicant used by a group of brutal killers in the 11th Century. Check your dictionary for the word assassin and it's defined as a political figure killer as well as a hashish-user. Or maybe you've always remembered the names of famous assassins like Mark David Chapman, who killed John Lennon of course, and Lee Harvey Oswald, who killed John F. Kennedy (JFK) in a Dallas motorcade(although some doubt if Oswald was the real assassin). Saving them for a Trivia Contest probably.

In the movies, the assassin plays the killer-for-hire, with Black Mamba of Kill Bill fame as my most favorite assassin character.

Did you know that the Phillipines lead the world in Internet searches for the keyword assassin? Does this in any way reflect our secret desires, or just our sheer curiosity with the idea of killing somebody important? I'm not gonna lie to you. I think being an assassin is really cool. Hehe. Nah, I'm just kidding.

And perhaps, if you're an avid reader of this blog(which I hope you will be in the future), you didn't know that Assassin has two popular wrong spellings, the more popular of which, and the word most Filipinos take it to be, is Assasin. That's with a single 's' on the end. Searches for the word "assasin" is so prevalent ( people use it on "assasin's creed," which is a Microsoft Xbox 360 game) that it's considered a different keyword from the real one. That's interesting right? The other searched word is Asassin, and guess which country searches that word more frequently. Right on the money.

(for BM readers only who want to try EARNING MONEY online)
Assassin is our keyword for the day. You may take it as assasin or asassin and blog about the three. If you're an SEO addict, you should know what to do next. If you decide to follow my lead and see if this search term can bring money to your blog, all I ask is that you credit me for it first by linking to this post. Thanks. -DK